Fluid Resource Energy and Environment    FREE LAB



流体资源能源与环境实验室是一支集基础科学与工程应用相结合的高水平研究团队,团队在石油、天然气地热水等地质能源开发理论与模拟技术、能源与环境领域大数据分析及应用、海绵城市建设雨水入渗理论及产流控制、地下水资源与环境保护以及空间资源开发与原位利用等方面研究形成了特色和优势。承担过国家重大专项、国家“973”、国家自然科学重点基金、面上项目等纵向横向课题 40 余项,团队获得过国家科技进步奖 1 项、省部级奖 5 项,出版中英文著作 5 部,发表相关研究论文 180 余篇,授权国家发明专利 20 余项,软件著作权 20 余项。团队与美国斯坦福大学、美国德克萨斯 A&M 大学、沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学、美国北达科他大学、中国科学院、清华大学等国内外知名机构长期开展学术合作、交流及人才联合培养计划。

Fluid Resource Energy and Environment Lab (FREE LAB) is high level research team focusing on the research of basic scientific and engineering application. The team has formed characteristics and advantages in the research of geo-energy reservoir modeling and simulation including oil/gas/thermal water, big data analysis and application in area of energy and environment, rainfall infiltration and runoff control for Sponge City construction, groundwater flow and contaminant Transport, In-suit resource utilization in space. The team has undertaken more than 40 vertical and horizontal subjects such as national major projects, national projects of "973", Key fund and general fund of NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China), etc. The team has won 1 National Science and technology progress award, 5 provincial and ministerial awards, published 5 Chinese and English books, published more than 100 related research papers, authorized 17 national invention patents and 8 software copyrights. The team has long-term academic cooperation, exchanges and joint talent training programs with famous institutions at home and abroad, such as Stanford University, Texas A & M University, King Abdullah University of science and technology, North Dakota University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, etc.



